Children of Atomic Veterans, Gender and Radiation Impact Project, invites you to join us on
HUMANITY RISING—On-Line Global Solutions Summit on APRIL 7, 2021 @ 11 am eastern time for a panel talking about:
Radiation and Gender: The Effect of Radiation on Women
TINA CORDOVA—Trinity Downwinders
MARY OLSON—Disproportionate Harm of Radiation and Radiation Regulation
CINDY FOLKERS—Nuclear Technology, What is the Price? and Who Pays?
VICTORIA MOORE—Artist and 2nd Gen Cold Warrior, Genetically Modified Offspring
CHUCK JOHNSON—International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Moderator
Watch the session live without having to register using your unique youtube live stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5SFcITQHJg
Register for each weekday HR session through our HR site. This provides daily reminder emails and creates a UbiVerse profile for the registrant: http://humanityrising.solutions/
View our public streams via our Facebook and Youtube channels. These are not unique links to your session, but to Ubiquity’s channels where your event will stream live: https://www.facebook.com/UbiquityUniversityOnline / https://www.youtube.com/c/UbiquityUniversity
Stream through our UbiVerse social learning platform via your unique event link provided in the confirmation section above (profile required). The UbiVerse contains the full event description and our global Humanity Rising community (sign-up): https://ubiverse.org/welcome.html
A recording of your session can be found on Ubiquity’s Facebook and YouTube channels, and in our Resource Library on the UbiVerse: https://ubiverse.org/documents